Rewatch: Torchwood: Children of Earth. [Spoilers].

While the Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood did not really catch me, there was one season/event that did.

Living in Holland at the time I could watch BBC TV on the cable, and that means that I could catch the 5-day event that was Torchwood: Children of Earth.

5 episodes, each about one hour long, broadcast over 5 days, this strikes me as an excellent science fiction story.

Suddenly children all over the world simply stop for a while, and all saying “We are coming!” An older man also does that. A government official Mr Frobisher is ordered to handle the situation, and it turns out that something strange happened to the older man – he escaped an alien abduction back in 1965, but apparently the connection is still there.

When Torchwood is destroyed by a bomb Jack Harkness is blown to bits and the surviving members escape, but are hunted. The mystery deepens. Of course, Jack is immortal , so he survives anyway.

The children stop once more, saying “We are coming – tomorrow”. Later again: “We are here”

All the while the government builds a glass container for hosting the alien visitors – filled with poisonous gases – for humans, at least … and the hunt for Torchwood (and others) continues. The aliens “beam” down and negotiations begin. The aliens want 10% of the children from all over the Earth. Ouch! The government wants to negotiate, but the aliens refuse and threaten to destroy all human life on Earth..

From the older man we find out that the one bringing the children to the pick up point was none other than – Capt. Jack – at the order of the government agency – no wonder they wanted him (and Torchwood) out of the way.

In the end Capt. Jack resolves the problem with the aliens, but at great (personal) cost.

The children of Earth are saved.

During this rewatch I very much enjoyed the story telling and the acting, and I rate this excellent story 9/10.