COVID-19 Vaccine.

3 weeks ago I got the first dose of the Pfizer/Biontek vaccine. Very little of “side” effects, in the form of some fatigue and a bit of fever the first few days, nothing unexpected.

Today I received the second dose. No adverse effects detected till now, but there is a day or two to see if it arises.

So in about two weeks I should be fairly well protected from getting seriously ill with COVID, for the original version, that is. With the mutated strains there is less protection, but I should be mostly OK.

Science has created this in record time, that last vaccine before this was 5 years under way. This one was done and approved in less than a year, I consider it a little scientific miracle.

I am well aware that, if not for my own protection, then for the protection of others, I should not change behaviour much in the coming time, and at least follow the guidelines/rules.

In essence I have been sheltering at home for over a year, and even though I do fine alone (more than enough to do), I miss the social interactions I have done. But patience will get me through this, too. I know that many people are much worse off than I am, and I wish to do my part in avoiding the spread of the virus.

So physical distance, face mask when indoors with other people, especially unvaccinated, hand hygiene is the order of the day. Meeting others outdoors whenever possible, either for a “garden meeting” or for a “walk and talk”.

With this I wish you all good health, and may we soon return to a semblance of normal (looks a bit difficult in mainland Europe right now, Very low vaccination rates and new variants of concern).


Update. 3 days have passed, and nothing to write home about regarding side effects of the vaccine. “Smooth sailing”.

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